In addition to foreign acquisition of defense systems and platforms, I am committed to more investments in indigenous defense programs, including research and development, to meet our long-term defense need. These investments will eventually produce multiplied benefits in Taiwan’s economy. It is investment in defense and economy at the same time, for the long haul[21].
我將在這個堅實根本上,延續鞭策兩岸關係的和安穩定發展。兩岸之間應當愛護保重並保護二十多年來協商和交換互動所累積的功效。 [17] sector (C) 產業、行業、部門 是以,在被選總統以後,我將在中華民國現行憲政體制下,依循遍及民意,延續推動兩岸關係的和平穩定成長。
[31] irredentism (n.) 民族統一主義、國土擴大主義(因歷史或種族的關係而意圖併吞他國國土的主張)
Under my watch, Taiwan will meaningfully participate and contribute, provided that it is not discriminated against, in international projects such as humanitarian assistance and disaster relief[22], medical assistance, and joint efforts in economic aide with backup support from our active NGO’s[23]. Taiwan has a modern rescue training center in central Taiwan; I would like to expand its operation so that it becomes an international training center. I will also seek to work closely with the U.S. on counter-terrorism, modeling on the Container Security Initiative and Mega Port Initiative and share this experience with any neighboring country.
Mr. Burghardt, Mr. Campbell, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen and members of the media,
Therefore, providing a new economic way forward will be the foremost priority of the coming DPP Administration. I am ready to present the New Model for Economic Development with core elements of innovation, employment, that is, job creation, and equitable distribution.
[16] streamline (vt.) 使公道化、使簡化
Conclusion—New Asian value is being crafted結論—創設中的亞洲新價值
[26] conduct (n.) 行為、舉動
[19] deterrence (n.) 嚇阻、威嚇、阻礙
[2] imperative (adj.) 主要的、極為主要的、勢在必行的
[22] relief (n.) 捐贈
[30] uphold (vt.) 確保、維護、同意、支援
As a presidential candidate, I have to be ready to deal with rising domestic and external challenges ranging from the gradual erosion of freedom and democracy to an increasing uncertainty over Taiwan’s ability to maintain its economic autonomy.
On international trade, there is an urgent need for Taiwan to participate in the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), at least to be included in the second round of negotiations. For this purpose, I have set up a special task force to discuss the important aspects of trade liberalization and the TPP. Our discussions include the need for structural adjustments and reform, the extent to which Taiwan should adhere to[15] international standards, streamlining[16] legal infrastructure and bureaucratic practices, and making the necessary investments in specific sectors[17]. We want to ensure that Taiwan is ready to effectively deal with the challenges of globalization.
再者,本來以家庭為根蒂根基的傳統社會平安收集,也已不再適合高度都會化以後的台灣。[27] order (U) 狀態、秩序
Taiwan and its people have a special political, security, economic, and cultural bond with the United States because of our shared values and shared interests. But, Taiwan should not take the relationship for granted. I will ensure that Taiwan works together with the U.S. to advance our common interests. Taiwan’s international support can be obtained by making ourselves as a reliable partner and by having a proactive diplomatic agenda for peace.
Responding to the challenge to democracy回應民主的挑戰
In conclusion, I would like to say this: Taiwan stands at the juncture of history and culture. When people in many Asian countries are still suffering from authoritarianism, we in Taiwan are immensely proud of our democracy and cherish our hard-earned social and political rights and individual freedom, together with the rise of civil society and freedom of choice.
As noted by some prominent international organizations, freedom of speech, freedom of press, and human rights have been on a steady decline in the last few years. In March last year, the undemocratic nature of the ratification process over a cross-strait trade agreement unleashed[4] formidable[5] social forces trying to redirect the path of the government. Now some of the social forces are eager to participate in the political process through public deliberation[6] or even through participation in elections.
Thank you, Bonnie, for your introduction and to CSIS for welcoming me into your magnificent new building.
In summary, we are crafting a model of new Asian value in Taiwan to serve as an example and inspiration to others. With this new Asian value, we are ready to light up Taiwan, light up Asia.
[35] complement (n.) 解救、修補、補完
[14] ICT (information and communication technology) (n-phr.) 資訊和通信科技
Economic stagnation and social problems經濟遲緩與社會問題
(Source: www.foto2016.com)
For Taiwan’s economy to be more competitive and our democracy stronger we need to build a military capable of safeguarding the country and maintaining peace. We should also help shape a friendly regional environment by making meaningful contributions to international affairs. Needless to say, a critical component is a need to maintain a peaceful and stable relationship with China.
On defense, to be a reliable partner on regional security, it is my firm belief that proper investment in credible[18] deterrence[19] is the key. In light of the increasing military and security threat that Taiwan faces, developing asymmetric capabilities that involve enhanced military relations with friendly forces, well-trained military personnel in a modern force structure, and acquisition of necessary defense equipment are essential components of our deterrent strategy.
[11] deficit (n.) 欠債、赤字、逆差
[24] rejuvenate (vt.) 使從新恢復活力